Up next is a nice poster advertising the release of "Tragedy >For You<" in various formats via Play It Again Sam (PIAS) Germany. The poster itself measures 16 inches X 11.25 inches unfolded, but folds in half to make a nice booklet. The left side of the booklet shows the entire then-current 242 catalogue. The right side, which forms the front of the folded booklet, has the 242 numbers in red against a black background, along with the "Tyranny symbols" and the "Tragedy >For You<" artwork on glossy paper.
The reverse side gives the track listing for the various formats of release (7"/12"/MaxiCD). The right side gives a biography of the band in German. If you can translate this text, let me know!
242 Tragedy >For You< |
242 Back Catalogue |
Tragedy >For You< Track Listings and 242 Biography |
242 Biography |
Front 242 fans are the best!
ReplyDeleteCourtesy of taj242 here is the German translation (I pasted it directly from his email)...Thanks again!!!
The leaders of electronic dancemusic are back. Front 242 is a band that – like just a few other bands – is connected with the significant subcultures at the end of the century.
Front 242 using their style and their compositions of sound, to argue all events that happen in the world. This controversy is not according to the reportings in the daily media. Even more the band disciplies the ongoing madness of this world through rhythm.
With their sound and their image, Front 242 shaped today’s dancefloor-scene significantly Even before the wave of house music with it’s stomping beats slapped in and revolutionized the discotheques, Front 242 had notable success with songs like „No Shuffle“and „Masterhit“ in the international music charts.
Musicians and DJ’s of this music-scene all over the world said, that they are the greatest influence beside Kraftwerk for them. That maybemoved Depeche Mode four years ago to make Front 242 to the opening act for their world tour.
In 1981 as Daniel B. formed the band (P.Codensys, J.L.deMeyer and Richard JK who came later to the band), who could imagine what would develop out of the infernalistic twirl of new technologies and talents plus the existing chaos ?
From gig to gig, from album to album they proofed their undisputed leadership in the electronic music sector. 1988 they released their successful album so far „Front by Front“
With „Tragedy for you“ their newest product, more than ever Front 242 is trying to find the connection to the permanently changing rhythm of life. The basement of their work is a physical primal scream, followed by precise thoughts and a maximum of selection.
The result is a landscape of sound who reflects our possible future – the sublimal sadness and energy, both present in their music – becoming our own. It would be hard and senseless to try to analyze seperated pieces isolated from the whole: this music is created to be experienced in its completeness.
And that’s the strenghts of Front 242: to satisfy feelings and intellect coincidently, to strenghten the unity of body and soul. Nothing is ultimate in this approximation – three different versions of „Tragedy for you“ reflects their position in a musical kaleidoscope, that knows how to seduce – and the effect grows everytime you listen to it.
While the heavy prettiness of the „Slo-Mo“-Mixes answers to the concentrated energy of „Punish your machine“ becomes the vocal version of „Tragedy for you“ a Pop Hymn.
Three different styles with a common aesthetic interest in perfect harmony.
These are the first promising tacts of a new Front 242 chapter, that intrigues for their upcomming album in january.
"Tragedy for you" a Pop Hymn. :-D
ReplyDeleteNice text from PIAS.
Taj242 wanted me to update his post with a better translation, so here it is:
ReplyDelete(Thanks again!!!)
The leaders of electronic dancemusic are back. Front 242 is a band that – like just a few other bands – is connected with the significant subcultures at the end of the century.
Front 242 using their style and their compositions of sound, to argue all events that happen in the world. This controversy is not according to the reportings in the daily media. Even more the band disciplies the ongoing madness of this world through rhythm.
With their sound and their image, Front 242 shaped today’s dancefloor-scene significantly Even before the wave of house music with it’s stomping beats slapped in and revolutionized the discotheques, Front 242 had notable success with songs like „No Shuffle“,„Masterhit“ and „Headhunter“ in the international music charts.
Musicians and DJ’s of this music-scene all over the world said, that they are their greatest influence beside Kraftwerk for them. That maybe moved Depeche Mode four years ago to make Front 242 to the opening act for their world tour.
In 1981 as Daniel B. formed the band (P.Codenys, J.L.deMeyer and Richard JK who came later to the band), who could imagine what would develop out of the infernalistic twirl of new technologies and talents plus the existing chaos ?
From gig to gig, from album to album they proofed their undisputed leadership in the electronic music sector. 1988 they released their successful album so far „Front by Front“
With „Tragedy for you“ their newest product, more than ever Front 242 is trying to find the connection to the permanently changing rhythm of life. The basement of their work is a physical primal scream, followed by precise thoughts and a maximum of selection.
The result is a landscape of sound who reflects our possible future – the sublimal sadness and energy, both present in their music – becoming our own. It would be hard and senseless to try to analyze seperated pieces isolated from the whole: this music is created to be experienced in its completeness.
And that’s the strenghts of Front 242: to satisfy feelings and intellect coincidently, to strenghten the unity of body and soul. Nothing is ultimate in this approximation – three different versions of „Tragedy for you“ reflects their position in a musical kaleidoscope, that knows how to seduce – and the effect grows everytime you listen to it.
While the heavy prettiness of the „Slo-Mo“-Mixes answers to the concentrated energy of „Punish your machine“ becomes the vocal version of „Tragedy for you“ a Pop Hymn.
Three different styles with a common aesthetic interest in perfect harmony.
These are the first promising tacts of a new Front 242 chapter, that intrigues for their upcoming album in january.